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Bereavement in North Cyprus

Bereavement can be a daunting time; the following guide explains the standard procedures in the TRNC. These procedures vary slightly depending on where the person passed away and this is covered within the guide.
You may want to manage the funeral of a deceased person yourself; however, if you want a helping hand, there are organisations such as the Foreign Residents in the TRNC (TFR) and the British Cemetery Committee who offer services to assist people dealing with bereavement and you may wish to consult them rather than undertake the process alone.
Dying in Hospital
If a person dies in hospital, the doctor treating the patient will prepare and sign
the Medical Death Certificate (Form XV), which is produced in triplicate, and
the Record of Deaths (Form XIII), in which the doctor will fill in the appropriate sections and sign and stamp them.
You can identify the form in the top right-hand corner, where it reads “Forma XV” or “Forma XIII”.
Verify that the name on both of these forms is IDENTICAL to the name of the deceased in their passport, and that the doctor has signed and stamped Form XV.
Note: Only Form XV is required to initiate the deceased’s funeral. It is not necessary to complete form XIII and register the death at the District Office before the funeral (this is described further below under the heading “Obtaining the Death Certificate”). Provided you have the completed and stamped form XV you can make funeral arrangements. Make at least 3 photocopies of Form XV for this purpose; you must retain the top page and the carbon copies of Form XV to obtain the Death Certificate (details: see below).
Be aware that hospitals will generally not provide these forms before all hospital bills have been paid.
Dying at Home
If a person dies at home, regardless of whether they were under the recent care of a doctor, the police must be called. To call the police, dial 155 from any Cypriot phone or mobile. The police will attend and take details about the death and the next-of-kin. The police will arrange for the
deceased’s current Doctor if they are under current medical care or an on-call doctor to attend and certify the death. The police will also arrange for the deceased to be taken to the State Hospital Mortuary. If the death is sudden or unexpected, a Post-Mortem (autopsy) may be required. The Police will advise you if a Post-Mortem is necessary; the procedure in this case is outlined below.
If no Post-Mortem is required, the doctor attending the death will issue
the Medical Death Certificate (Form XV), which is produced in triplicate, and
the Record of Deaths (Form XIII), in which the doctor will fill in the appropriate sections and sign and stamp them.
You can identify the form in the top right-hand corner, where it reads “Forma XV” or “Forma XIII”.
Verify that the name on both of these forms is IDENTICAL to the name of the deceased in their passport, and that the doctor has signed and stamped Form XV.
Form XV consists of the top page, which is filled in by the doctor with a pen, and two carbon copies. Always retain the top page and the first carbon copy to submit when requesting the Death Certificate (details: see below). Make at least 4 photocopies, as the Police requires one for their records and the remaining three will be required to arrange the funeral.
The police may hold the passport of the deceased until their investigations are completed. The police will contact you once their investigations are complete and you may be requested to attend the police station to confirm the statements made at the time of the incident and collect the deceased’s passport and any other paperwork they are holding.
It is a good idea to have a photocopy of your passport available as the police may ask for it.
All Post-Mortems take place in the State Hospital in Lefkoşa. If a Post-Mortem is required, the next-of-kin or a friend will need to visit the Mortuary prior to the start of the Post-Mortem in order to identify the deceased.
Post-Mortems are chargeable, currently the fee is approx. 2000tl, but this may change. Payment for the Post-Mortem should be made at the Cashier’s Office in the Administrative Building at the front of Lefkoşa State Hospital. You must pay for the Post-Mortem before the deceased can be released for burial. Please retain the receipt and give it to the person who is carrying out the funeral as they will need to show the receipt before the deceased can be transported from the mortuary.
Once the Post-Mortem is complete, you will be able to collect
the Medical Death Certificate (Form XV), which is produced in triplicate, and
the Record of Deaths (Form XIII) with the appropriate sections filled in, signed and stamped,
from Lefkosa State Hospital. The office is close to the cashier’s office so you can pay for the Post-Mortem and collect both pieces of paperwork together.
You can identify the form in the top right-hand corner, where it reads “Forma XV” or “Forma XIII”.
Verify that the name on both of these forms is IDENTICAL to the name of the deceased in their passport, and that the doctor has signed and stamped Form XV.
Form XV consists of the top page, which is filled in by the doctor with a pen, and two carbon copies. Always retain the top page and the first carbon copy to submit when requesting the Death
Certificate (details: see below). Make at least 4 photocopies, as the Police requires one for their records and the remaining three will be required to arrange the funeral.
Funeral Arrangements
There are several organisations which can assist you to make funeral arrangements:
The Deceased’s Local Belediye – can arrange for burial in their international cemetery for people who had resided in their region.

The British Cemetery Committee – you must have a British Passport or be married to a British citizen to be buried in a cemetery controlled by the British Cemetery Committee. The main Cemetery currently in use is the Greenhill Cemetery, near to Karmi. Chairman: Andy May, Tel: 0548 888 2560.
Contact details and details of their cemeteries are provided on their website:
The British Cemetery Committee | St Andrew's Church, Kyrenia (standrewskyrenia.org)
The Foreign Residents in the TRNC Association (TFR)
The TFR Cemetery Group Co-ordinator is Jessy Ben-Dov, Tel: 0548-822 2442.
Karmi Cemetery
This Cemetery is only open to residents of Karmi/Karaman. The contact for this Cemetery is: Sylvia Austin, Tel: 0533 838 7367
Famagusta Cemetery
The contacts for this Cemetery are: Anne Kelly, Tel: 0533 860 7258 or Lynette Orüc, Tel: 0533 887 1417.
Funeral Services
There are several companies and individuals who provide funeral services. The following is not a complete list but is a guide to possible assistance. Please contact the people listed below to give you information on the services they provide and the charges.

Repatriation to a Foreign Country
Some people who pass away here do not wish to be buried on the island but want to be repatriated to their home country. If you want your loved one to be repatriated, we recommend you contact the Repatriation service in the TRNC prior to contacting funeral directors in your home country. Many foreign funeral directors are unaware of the political situation and will contact funeral services on the South of the island. This can cause confusion and delay the repatriation of the deceased. If you make initial contact with the repatriation service here, they will be able to contact your funeral director in your home country and ensure that the repatriation is organised quickly and smoothly.
Christina Gursöy Tel: 0533 870 2426
Şafat Yolcu Tel: 0533 837 5305 or 0546 991 7303
Re-Patriation to the TRNC
It is possible for people who pass away abroad to be repatriated to the TRNC. The procedures for this depend on the country the person is being brought from. You should contact a repatriation service in the foreign country to arrange repatriation to the TRNC.
Please note that there are no cremation facilities in the TRNC.
Obtaining the Death Certificate
While part of form XIII has been filled out by the doctor, the remainder of the form XIII must be completed by the relative dealing with the death. This form is shown further below, followed by an English translation to assist in the completion of the form.
Once the relative (or legal representative) who is reporting the death has completed form XIII, they need to take both forms XIII and XV to the Mukhtar of the village or town where the death occurred. The Mukhtar will sign and stamp the forms.
When the forms are completed and stamped. they need to be taken to the District Office (Kaymakamlık) in the region where the death occurred. This will normally be your local region e.g. Girne, unless the death took place in a hospital in Lefkoşa, in which case the death certificate will be issued there.
In order to issue the Death Certificate, the District Office requires the following:
The original of Form XV and the first carbon copy – not a photocopy!
The original of Form XIII, fully filled out, and the first carbon copy – not a photocopy!
2 photocopies of the deceased person’s passport photo page
1 copy of the informant’s passport photo page
You must also bring the deceased person’s passport and the informant’s passport.
Once the death has been registered, the Registrar will issue the official Death Certificate (Form XVI), this document is in English and Turkish and is recognised by the administrations of most foreign countries. Up to 5 copies of the official Death Certificate are provided free of charge; if you want additional copies, these may be chargeable. It is advisable to request more than one copy to assist with probate and other administrative requirements.
Completion of Forms – Points to note
Form XV – check this document has the deceased’s name as per their passport and is signed and stamped by the doctor, as the form will not be accepted unless it is stamped correctly.
Completion of Form XIII

This form will be provided with the doctor’s section completed and stamped. The remainder of the form should be completed as below and then signed by a relative of the deceased or their legal representative.
1 - This is the region where the death occurred – Girne, Lefkoşa, Gasimağusa, Iskele, Lefke, Güzelyürt
2 - This is the town or village e.g. Lapta, Zeytinlik
3 - Date of Death as recorded
Detailed Information About the Deceased
4 - Full name – as per passport, all names to be included
5 - ID Card – this is the passport number
6 - Father’s Name
7 - Father’s ID Card – not required for foreigners
8 - Mother’s Name
9 - Mother’s ID Card – not required for foreigners
10 - Date of Death
11 - Place of Death – this is the hospital/clinic or the home address if the death occurred at home
12 - Place of Residence – this is the deceased’s home address in the TRNC
13 - Sex
14 - Date of Birth
15 - Place of Birth – as in the passport
16 - Nationality - Religion – not required to be completed
17 - Education – not required to be completed
18 - Marital status
19 - Occupation – enter retired if not working
20 - Cause of Death – this is given on Form XV
The Section Notification of Cause of Death – will be completed by the doctor. This section must be signed and stamped by the doctor/hospital.
21 - Name of person who authorised the burial – This must be either a direct relative or the family’s legal representation (Friends cannot complete this section)
22 - Full name of the Informant – this is the person who is registering the death as in 21.
23 - ID / Passport number of the Informant
24 - Address of Informant
25 - Kinship with the deceased – type of relative or legal representative
26 - Signature and date of Informant
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