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We update our information regularly using government press releases and anecdotal information from our users. If you discover inaccuracies, please let us know using the contact form.
Terms and Conditions
This website is provides information to Foreigners who live or regularly visit the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).
The information contained within this website has been obtained from TRNC Government websites, TRNC Government Press Releases and the TRNC Resmi Gazete as well as other reliable sources of information. Sources of information are listed wherever possible.
Links to Official Government forms are provided where available. Most forms are in English, however some forms have not been produced in English, so in these instances a link to the Turkish form is provided.
This website contains some anecdotal information, however we endeavour to highlight wherever this is the case.
InfoNorthCyprus endeavours to provide accurate and timely information, however TRNC Government websites are often not subject to regular review, so frequently contain out of date information, we do not accept liability for out of date information or factual inaccuracies in the information.
If you subscribe to our update service we will add you contact details to our database and will provide you with regular updates of changes to the information on our website. A summary of updates to the website will be notified to you by email.
If we send you updates by email and they are not delivered by your email provider, or our email is rejected because, for example the email address is incorrect we will annotate our database that an email failure was received. When we next send out an update we will attempt to email you again, however if we again receive an email failure we will remove your details from our subscription database.
We do not accept any liability for failure to provide updates.
Normally we will provide updates only on a weekly basis or less frequent basis, however we may send more frequent updates if we believe the information is important and would be of interest to our customers.
You can choose to unsubscribe to our update service at any time. To unsubscribe, please contact us using the contact form and we will remove your details from our database, within 48 hours of receipt of your request. When you unsubscribe from our update database we will archive your details for 3 months, but after that date we will delete your record completely.
If we make changes or discontinue our update service we will endeavor to notify you of the change(s) by email.
If you provide personal details, such as email addresses or mobile telephone numbers to InfoNorthCyprus, we will hold this information securely and we not disclose this information to other third parties. This information will only be used by InfoNorthCyprus to reply to enquiries or to provide you with information updates.
If you contact InfoNorthCyprus via the contact form we will endeavor to respond to your question within 48 hours, however we do not guarantee that we will provide a response within this timescale.
If you contact InfoNorthCyprus and ask a question about guidance given on the website or request us to investigate to clarify information in a Government policy, we may include your question and our answer within the appropriate FAQ section, or add the information into our guidance to assist other users. We will ensure information is anonymised when used for this purpose.
We reserve the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time and without notice. We will normally include a reference in our regular updates that an amendment to the terms and conditions has been made, however minor changes to the Terms and Conditions may be made without an update being issued. If we make a change to the Terms & Conditions, it will be deemed as being accepted by subscribers. If you do not agree to any changes to the Terms and Conditions you may unsubscribe from the service at any time, using the contact form.